Today I review "Bubble Boon" !

What are the reviews of Bubble Boon in Japan?

``Rakuhapi Bubbly Bubble Toilet Bowl'' is a product that when placed in the toilet bowl, bubbles spread throughout the toilet bowl, allowing for cleaning and disinfection without scrubbing.

Thanks to the expanding foam, it is possible to clean the entire surface of the toilet bowl, from the water's edge to the depths where the brush cannot reach.

If you could really clean the toilet without scrubbing, it would be extremely easy and helpful!

First, let's check out the reviews of Bubblyun.

It was rated 3.6 stars on Amazon and 3.7 stars on LOHACO.

In terms of reviews

  • Great foaming power
  • Cleans areas in the back of the toilet that cannot be removed with a brush.
  • Cleans and refreshes even hard-to-clean areas

We have received posts such as:

on the other hand

  • Dirt did not come off very well
  • Cannot be used frequently due to high price

There were also comments such as:

So what was it like when you actually used it?

Try using Bubble Boon for the toilet?

To use Bubble Boon for Toilet Bowls, simply place a bag of Bubble Boons into the puddle of the toilet bowl.

Since this is a chlorine-based cleaning agent, ventilation must be provided when using it.

When you open the package and add the white powder to water, it will start foaming immediately.

It got really fluffy and fluffy, and about 5 minutes after I added the bubble boons, it looked like this.

You will have to leave it there for at least 30 minutes, so you will not be able to use the toilet during that time.

Therefore, it is better to go to the toilet before using the bubble balloon.

This time, there were some stains that seemed a little stubborn, so I left them for about an hour.

When I checked the toilet an hour later, the foam that had spread all the way to the top of the toilet bowl had deflated and almost disappeared.

What is the effect of Bubble Boon?

The warning states that there should be good ventilation during use.

From now on, I will write my honest impressions about whether using Bubble Boon actually removed stains from the toilet without scrubbing.

After leaving it for an hour, I flushed the water once to flush out the bubbles and checked the inside of the toilet, and found that it had become quite white.

The foam removed the dark spots in the back of the toilet, which was great~!

Where can you buy Bubble Boon?

You can purchase at pharmacies and shops.

It is also sold at my online shop, so try it~✨.


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